OK, so I've been thinking about these over the last few days and then, when I sit down to write them, I can't remember any of them. Let's see what's still left:
#89 - When I get stressed out at work, I tend to play with my hair. I pull it up, twist it around my fingers, braid it, stick a pencil through it or whatever. I'm not sure if it actually calms me, but it is a nice break.
#88 - I tend to stick my tongue out when I'm really concentrating on something. Usually it's when I'm working on a craft project or coloring!
#87 - I've always been fascinated by the dried soapy foam in my dad's shaving mug. Can't really explain it, but it's just so cool ... kind of spider web-like for me.
#86 - As my brother reminded me ... I had a really bad experience with Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies when I was little. I got sick on them once, and I've hated them ever since. In fact, I am not a fan of many chocolate-mint things (not all, though ... love Andes Mints!)
#85 - Growing up my dad always threatened to pull us out of school if we didn't make our bed (like that was such a threat). But it worked! To this day, I am dutiful in making my bed each day!
#84 - I've decided that the elderly (at least in Palm Springs) think the world revolves around them. Just yesterday there was a lady at Kinkos who thought everyone working there should be assisting her RIGHT THAT SECOND! She was sure making a scene. Sure we ought to respect our elders, but it's awfully hard when they are so demanding and just plain rude.
#83 - I think I might be addicted to online dating Web sites. Not that it's doing much good, though. (I really need to find a social life ... FAST!)
#82 - One of my favorite movies, probably one of the worse movies ever, that I can quote almost verbatim is Grease 2.
#81 - I started a Kidney Stone trend in my family. After having my round of stone attacks, my brother and then my sister have also been afflicted with the horrible curse! Sorry, guys!!!
#80 - I am a lousy swimmer and actually flunked my swimming lessons growing up because I wouldn't dive into the deep end. As a result I am kind of afraid of the water.
#79 - Making this list is actually kind of cathartic ... and fun!
#78 - I have always been really good about keeping in touch with all my old friends. In fact I'm kind of the one who keeps everyone else in touch and updated on gossip, marriages, babies, etc...
#77 - Speaking of friends, however, even though I went with my very best friend from high school, I HATED my 10 year high school reunion. I still felt like a loner and like it was still a popularity game. I don't think I would have gone if it wasn't for my friend.
#76 - One physical feature that I am most proud of is my hair! I love my locks! Long or short, curly or straight, I think I have great hair! (although right now I could use a trim and color retouch!)
#75 - Childhood brattiness moment: Not a fan of chicken pot pies, I threw mine on the kitchen floor one night for the dog (who was outside at the time) to hopefully lick up. But I was busted and as a result I couldn't watch "Wizard of Oz" on TV that night. I bawled and bawled the whole night while my dad stayed in my bedroom with me.
#74 - Oldest guy I went out on a date with was 51 years old. He'd never been married and was horribly rude! I felt like I was on a date with my dad. He even tried to kiss me! Completely laughable! A post-date email exchange even made things worse with a barrage of insults flying back and forth. Never again! Lesson learned!
#73 - I am apparently cursed with really bad luck, but not just ordinary bad luck. If something bad is going to happen to me, it is the weirdest, worst, most painful or most unusual! Attacked by a cat. Car and home being broken into multiple times. Being hit by a car. And the list goes on.
#72 - I hate unloading the dishwasher! I don't mind loading it, but for some reason I really don't like unloading.
#71 - I don't really talk in my sleep, but I do mumble and sigh and some talking on occasion. But mostly I make little, I'm-so-relaxed sighs and noises as I fall asleep.
#70 - Even though they are scarred from surgery and cause me all sorts of pain in cute shoes, I kind of like my feet.
8 years ago
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