Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A new holiday I can't wait to celebrate!

Happy, er I mean UNhappy, National Grouch Day!

I was reading a blog, actually dedicated to all things chocolate, and the blogger announced that Oct. 15 is National Grouch Day! And of course, her remedy is to medicate with chocolate -- Brilliant!

So, to celebrate ... before indulging in some warm, gooey chocolate ... here are my GROUCHES for the day!
* I have a sinus headache.
* My face continues to breakout (no, I'm not going to blame chocolate!).
* I haven't received nearly enough text messages lately.
* I keep missing phone calls with my best friend in Seattle.
* Payday isn't for another week.
* My roomie is thinking of moving out.
* My sprained ankle from nearly 3 months ago still aches!

What are your GROUCHES? How are you going to celebrate? We all should mark our calendars for this time next year and really have a great Grouchy Day!

Oscar would be proud!


  1. Well, those are certainly things to be GROUCHY for!! I hope you have a better day today and that you get lots of smiles!! Because your great and beAutiful!

  2. back hurts and seems to just be getting better when I re-hurt it... kohen woke up evry 2 hours last night for some crazy reason...and we are probably going to move in with my sister-in-law! Ahhh! Ha ha! Hope you know what you got yourself into! I bet you can't wait!...when you totally get sick of us just remember we are saving eachother money and it is temorary! Love ya! Peace out!
