Friday, September 01, 2006

Hikone Castle

After our night's stay in Kyoto, Linda and I spent three nights in Hikone ... as Linda described it ... a quiet little castle town. It certainly was quiet ... and rainy! It rained most of the time we were there. We did manage a good day do visit the castle. It was quite a hike to the main building, but the trek was worth it. Beautiful. And the views from top floor of the castle were pretty amazing too.

The hotel we stayed at was pretty fun. One of the smallest rooms I've even been in. Just a twin bed in a tiny room with a super small bathroom. Pretty fun and cozy, though. Too bad the TV was all in Japanese. I did catch some good Sumo matches, though. Too bad I couldn't understand what exactly was going on.

The restaurant at the hotel was quite nice. Our first night we ate dinner there which was so tasty. I particularly loved the pumpkin soup!


  1. were there fish in that there pond ?

  2. Nope... no fish in that pond, but I do have pix of other ponds that have HUGE koi fish! ... All coming soon!
